Why vegan?
Why vegan meditation?
The intention of this group is not to replace those sanghas. As best we can, we should continue to be a voice for beings who have no voice, and as best we can practice compassion for the humans needlessly harming them based on wrong view. The intention of this group is merely to provide some support for those experiencing inner dissonance.
If you'd like to write a letter/email to your current meditation group to help them understand what you're experiencing, here are some templates to get you started:
Is it "vegans only"?
Why "webcams required"?
If you prefer to join without video (e.g. you live somewhere without adequate internet), please email us for "join-by-phone" instructions.
When/where is it?
Other groups
• Every 4th Saturday of the month, IMCW (Insight Meditation Center of Washington) holds a vegan sangha. On their events page search "events" for the word "vegan" and then look for the sanghas hosted by Alexandra. CANCELLED
• Every 4th SUNDAY of the month, Compassion Consortium holds an awesome Sunday Service that typically includes a meditation or other spiritual practice. Learn more here.
• Most Sundays, Meditation for Vegans & Activists Winnipeg holds a Skype or Zoom meditation that's open to all.
Know of others? Please email and let us know!
There are numerous
spiritual, and
ethical reasons for choosing vegan.
But many people are choosing vegan simply because they don't want to pay for violence against
animals on factory farms.
People are starting to understand that paying for animals to be harmed is the same as harming animal
themselves, and that moving toward a plant-based diet is now the lowest hanging fruit of kindness to
all beings, the planet, and our own bodies.
Other questions about veganism+spirituality
Why vegan meditation?
Once we
wake up
to what we're paying for when we purchase factory-farmed
animal products, it can become difficult to attend meditation gatherings (aka. sanghas or satsangs)
where people are talking about topics such as compassion for all beings while still
choosing to needlessly harm animals every day with their food choices. Even if we understand that
"they know not what they do" continuing to attend such sanghas
can increasingly lead to
cognitive dissonance,
which is likely the opposite of what initially drew us to sangha.
(Cognitive dissonance is the mental turmoil that results from
holding two conflicting beliefs, values, or attitudes simultaneously. For example, when holding a belief that
needless violence against animals is wrong, to also believe that we must be accepting of those who still
choose to inflict needless violence on animals can create cognitive dissonance.)
The intention of this group is not to replace those sanghas. As best we can, we should continue to be a voice for beings who have no voice, and as best we can practice compassion for the humans needlessly harming them based on wrong view. The intention of this group is merely to provide some support for those experiencing inner dissonance.
If you'd like to write a letter/email to your current meditation group to help them understand what you're experiencing, here are some templates to get you started:
- Dairy and the Five Precepts
~Informing a Vipassana retreat about dairy - Letter to Spirit Rock
~Asking Spirit Rock to stop serving animal products - Crazy Sangha Member
~Following up on a sangha conversation - At the Crossroads
~By someone leaving their sanga - Blue Cliff Letter
~By Thich Nhat Hanh
- Tara Brach's 2022 interview:
YouTube.com/embed/cEIOnfy-qB4 - Thich Nhat Hanh's 2-minute video:
or his Being Vegan is a Great Happiness - A Prayer For Compassion:
YouTube.com/embed/cEIOnfy-qB4 - Animals and the Buddha:
YouTube.com/embed/S0MWAAykFuc - Dalai Lama student and DVA contributor's 16-minute video
Other questions about veganism+spirituality
Is it "vegans only"?
Our sessions are primarily intended to provide vegans (and those heading in that direction)
a refuge from the challenges encountered in non-vegan meditation groups.
While all others are welcome, please keep in mind that our sharing periods are short and not intended for
spending time on explaining reasons for choosing vegan. If you haven't yet found
motivation for plant-based eating, it might be more beneficial to first spend time
on a site like WhyPlantBased.info
or similar.
Why "webcams required"?
Zoombombers/trollers usually prefer to remain off camera because once they're recognized they won't
be able to join again. By requiring cameras to be on, we reduce the frequency of
disturbances. Therefore, please test to make sure you have Zoom working properly before joining.
If you experience tech difficulties and get bounced by mistake, our apologies, please join us next time.
If you prefer to join without video (e.g. you live somewhere without adequate internet), please email us for "join-by-phone" instructions.
When/where is it?
Meeting times vary. To be notified of upcoming sessions, subscribe or unsubscribe
Other groups
Other similar groups:
• Every 4th Saturday of the month, IMCW (Insight Meditation Center of Washington) holds a vegan sangha. On their events page search "events" for the word "vegan" and then look for the sanghas hosted by Alexandra. CANCELLED
• Every 4th SUNDAY of the month, Compassion Consortium holds an awesome Sunday Service that typically includes a meditation or other spiritual practice. Learn more here.
• Most Sundays, Meditation for Vegans & Activists Winnipeg holds a Skype or Zoom meditation that's open to all.
Know of others? Please email and let us know!
This little website isn't meant to explain all reasons for vegan, but here are links
to some questions we've heard:
• Aren't you forcing your beliefs?
• What about humane products?
• Some Buddhists eat meat
• The Dalai Lama eats meat
• It's my personal choice
• God says killing animals is okay
• We give animals life
• You can't be 100% vegan
• What about killing tomatoes?
• Plant cultivation kills animals
• Wasn't Hitler vegetarian?
• Respect my culture
• My choice won't make a difference
• The planet's doomed, so why care?
If you have other questions specifically about our vegan meditations, please contact us below.
• What about humane products?
• Some Buddhists eat meat
• The Dalai Lama eats meat
• It's my personal choice
• God says killing animals is okay
• We give animals life
• You can't be 100% vegan
• What about killing tomatoes?
• Plant cultivation kills animals
• Wasn't Hitler vegetarian?
• Respect my culture
• My choice won't make a difference
• The planet's doomed, so why care?